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JESUS is the Way / Buch

Produktinformationen "JESUS is the Way / Buch"

JESUS is the WAY


This book wants to show people the way to Christ - young and old, sick and healthy, religious and non-religious. At the same time, there are answers to many current questions of life: Does God really exist? How can you handle fear? Why does God allow suffering? What`s the meaning of life? Etc.

The author has been on the road for over 30 years to announce the Good News to people. This book arose from his public talks and can be easily handed out to targeted individuals or distributed to larger groups.



Dieses Buch möchte Menschen den Weg zu Christus weisen – Jungen und Alten, Kranken und Gesunden, Religiösen und Nichtreligiösen. Zugleich gibt es Antworten auf viele aktuelle Lebensfragen, unter anderem: Gibt es Gott wirklich? Wie kann man mit Angst fertig werden? Warum lässt Gott Leid zu? Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?



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